

Take the Lead

『獨領風潮』(Take the Lead)乃真人真事改編之春風系勵志電影:動人的教學歷程本身是本劇的核心,而孕育出這份悸動的舞蹈與音樂更是精彩的叫人手舞足蹈。


儘管他的"花拳繡腿"較其比劍架勢遜色了些,安東尼奧‧班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)的確將皮耶老師(Pierre Dulaine)的風采神韻捕捉的相當傳神。想來“真”皮耶的風度翩翩與高段舞姿必定是浮動少年的最佳身教典範。


P.S. 真實版的皮耶老師是從進駐國小起家的,但針對電影把場景架設在高中生的他發表了如下的聲明:"The message is still the same. The children learn ballroom dancing, yes; but the real thing they are learning are the transferable skills of decorum, etiquette, being polite with each other, respect, and dignity. All of these things they are learning when they really need them, so I had no qualms with it being changed to high school. I don't really care if you're a 10-year old or 17-year old (that) when you're 25 that you remember the steps, but the transferable skills of being polite and knowing how to treat another human being is what my message is all about."

2 則留言:

swing whale 提到...

I am crazy for this movie, hope I could be a qualified dancer someday.

Unknown 提到...

I thought you ARE a qualified dancer now. :D