
The Gun Shot


維吉尼亞理工學院(Virginia Tech)槍擊事件震驚了國際,破紀錄的死傷人數與兇手的出身背景更讓此案件備受矚目,我不願在此評判美國校園環境的黑暗,只想象牙塔地發揚杏壇的光明面。

一位名叫Liviu Librescu的猶大裔教授為了爭取學生們逃脫的時間用肉身將兇手擋在教室入口,他成功地拯救了他們的性命,自己卻壯烈地犧牲了。(當我看到這則新聞的時候,感動地流下淚來,腦中一併重播著陳益興老師光著身子被群蜂狂螫的鏡頭。)

不只是這位教授,據洛杉磯時報(Los Angeles Times),也有三四位學生想盡辦法擋住教室門,以保護在教室裡的同學,還有些學生沈著地於第一時間搶救、包紮受重傷的學生……


P.S. 我承認我是一個過於天真浪漫的愚者,總是努力在黑暗中祈禱曙光的乍見。

7 則留言:

rukawa 提到...

this is a very good quote from Charles Dickens.

Often time we see light through darkness; we see hope in the tragedies, that's what keep people to moving on.

不過話說回來,這種事情發生,更顯得"林老師"你們的重要性了. 加油!!

ps. 下個禮拜又要飛東岸三週,嗯...希望不會遭白眼才好...

Mozart 提到...

東北邊應該是還好, 但是東南邊的話還真是說不準呢!


rukawa 提到...
rukawa 提到...


ps. 妳怎麼這麼晚了還不睡覺阿?

匿名 提到...

Yes! It's always good to think positive! I'm so glad you could see the silver lining behind this dark cloud of tragedy.

Now, a little quiz: what are those two cities in Dicken's masterpiece "A Tale of Two Cities"? ^_^

--He who always thinks positive

Mozart 提到...

For Rukawa:
I wish I could be there!
I am so missing Boston. I think of and even dream of the city sometimes.

(I go to bed early almost every day. It must be the time difference that gets you confused.)

Mozart 提到...

For “him who always thinks positive”: :P

Those words, “silver lining behind this dark cloud of tragedy”, are nicely written.

You really get me on this one. I only know one city for sure and I am sure that it’s one of your favorites.